Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Santa Babies!!!

Well, so far, my iron-on Christmas design/craft isn't as much fun as the turkey shirt was. Still fun though, right?
The kids are saying cheese, can you tell?


Michelle said...

I printed off some ornaments for a t-shirt dress I made. Unfortunately, the transfer paper I had was, like, 5 years old. Apparently after that long it doesn't want to seperate anymore. Oh well. I've lost my crafty streak anyway. I've also lost my clean-the-house streak. Or I never found it. All I want to do is sit around and watch TV and eat chips. I need a maid. When are you coming down again? The weather here is about like the weather there right now!

realitymomma said...

you can pull anything off though! i don't think molly is cheesy enough....troy is learning too quick though.

Lisa Renee said...

I wish I had the time to use this one!! Missed your face today. Hope all is well.

Lisa Renee said...

I wish I had the time to use this one!! Missed your face today. Hope all is well.